Monday, 17 July 2017

How to find out Symptoms & Stages‎ of HIV?

Like cancer, Aids or HIV infection is also a medical condition that always fears people. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a kind of fatal virus that attacks the immune system of human and causes HIV infection in body. In the body, the immune system is like natural defense system against infections caused by bacteria and viruses. After a long run, an HIV infection can lead to AIDS- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
Symptoms and Stages of HIV:

Mainly the HIV infection can be divided into the following three stages. If it is treated in the first and second stage in time, it can be treated and a person can live a normal life with some precautions and regular medications. But if not treated in time it can get worse and also it can cover whole immune system. 

First Stage: Acute HIV Infection:
In the beginning most of the people don’t know whether they have been infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, but after some time, they may have some kinds of symptoms. Within 2 to 6 weeks after you've gotten the virus from someone, your body's immune system puts up a fight, this is called primary HIV infection or acute retroviral syndrome.

These symptoms what a patient feel in this stage are similar to those of other viral illnesses like the flu. These symptoms typically last for one week or two and after that completely go away. These symptoms include these following medical conditions:
Nausea and vomiting
Aching muscles
Sore throat
Swollen lymph nodes
A red rash that generally doesn't itch

In this first stage, doctors can prevent HIV from taking hold in your entire body. People, who had unprotected sex with someone with HIV-positive, can be infected. They can take anti-HIV drugs to protect themselves. 

Second Stage: Chronic HIV Infection:
When your immune system loses the battle with HIV, the primary flu-like symptoms go away. Experts call this period, the asymptomatic or clinical latent period. In the period, most people don't have apparent symptoms. They may not realize that they are infected but they can pass HIV on to others. This second stage of HIV infection can last 10 years or more.

In this period, HIV if not treated kill CD4T cells and destroys immune system. A normal count of CD4 T cells is 450 to 1400 cells per micro liter. When the number of these cells drops, patient’s body becomes vulnerable to other kinds of infections. 

But good thing is that aids medicines online are available for you. A good combination of medications can help patient fight HIV, rebuild body’s immune system, and it can prevent spreading the virus to great extent. If you take regular medications and develop healthy habits, the HIV infection may not progress further.

Third Stage: AIDS:
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the advanced stage of HIV infection. This stage usually comes when your CD4 T-cell number drops below 200. 
You may realize this stage of AIDS if you have some of these symptoms:
Being tired all of the time
Infections in your mouth, throat, or vagina
Fever that lasts for more than 10 days
Night sweats
Unexplained weight loss
Purplish spots on your skin 
Shortness of breath
Severe, long-lasting diarrhea
Bruises or bleeding you can't explain
People with AIDS can live a long healthy life if they get a right treatment.